Highgatehill Murugan Temple
There are number of various deities in the temple and provide variety of services for devotees on request.
Means praising and honouring God by reciting Gods names to invoke special blessings for the devotee. This can be done to any one deity or number of deities on request by the devotee.
Means ritualistic holy bath to the deities with sacred substances such as milk, yougurt, honey etc. Abisekams for any one deity or number of deities can be conducted by pre booking the date and time with temple office. There are number of Abisekams available at the temple namely
- Abisekam with Homam
- 108 Shangu Abisekam
- 1008 Shangu Abisekam
Temple can provide the items for Abisekams and Homams on request. Devotees also can bring the list of items for Abisekams and Homams. Contact temple office for the list.
(Temporarily unavailable)
Temple priests can be hired for special rituals and services by pre booking on request for Homams, House warming, Weddings, Puberty ceremony, Thuvasam (Death Aniversary)
(Temporarily unavailable)
Temple can provide annadhanam for 50 or 100 people ( Rice & Sambar ) on request and any prasaadams or special prasaadams for any deities on request including Vada maalai.
(Temporarily unavailable due to Covid Pandemic)
Temple constitute a small library with collection of Hinduism books for reference only.
Temple can provide below Services as well on request Santhana Kapau, Swarna Pushpa Archanai (Gold Flowers) Garlands for Deities, Vastrams for deities, Archanani Kalyaanam, Soru Theerthal, Aathma Shanthi Abisekam, Thuvasams at temple (Temple has hall facilities).